Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm moving to Los Angeles.

To none of you out there who frequent my blog, I am moving. I am moving far. Across the East, the Midwest, Mississippi, over the Rocky Mountains and into Southern California where the air is dry, palms and succulents feverishly grow, where everything is spiky simplified and cartoonish. I never once in my life wanted to move to California. I never thought I'd like the land past Colorado. I'm going bottoms up and heading to the opposite shore to see what I can make of it. I'm nervous, excited, scared, intimidated and finding nostalgia for Providence and Rhode Island in nearly everything I do. I didn't realize my time back in RI would be so short before I'd have to up and move. Time is going by so fast, I hardly know how I can finish this! I will. I have faith.

The picture above is from Colt State Park. There was one lone seagull hanging out with us under the trees. We fed him grilled chicken. Now he's a cannibal. I bet he cares, lots.


undergroundbastard said...

Turns out the seagull's now running for mayor of Barrington. Go figure.

Btw, what's up with your Dutch counterpart?


undergroundbastard said...

That is to say: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://oogdruppels.startbewijs.nl/&ei=sdouSuyAD5juMsb_tPYJ&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=1&ct=result&usg=AFQjCNG4MdDHRaSybTnbS1pFeAF0T6TPwA

Heidi Born said...

oh, maybe i have the phonetic interpretation as opposed to the authentic Dutch spelling...i like mine better. two sets of double 'oo's

Unknown said...

Heidi, interesting picture, looks like you've made another friend, a seagull. Glad to see you widing your horizons.

Unknown said...

Oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain, from purple mountains majesties, upon the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
You are on a journey...God knows the plans he has laid for you. Listen to His voice. Keep your faith in God, trust, and be not afraid.
You will find much more than sea gulls. sos